Interview and Giveaway with Author Teri Polen
Let me welcome Author Teri Polen for an interview. I read her book Sarah which I got from NetGalley and let me tell you it was actually a really good read. If you click on the link you can read my review. What truly pulled me to requesting the book was the cover. I know, I know, you should never just get a book by its cover but you know sometimes the cover catches your eye and you just have to read it. I was very happy and surprised to have the author contact me. I think in all my requesting from NetGalley I have had maybe two authors contact me. So I jumped on the chance to interview Mrs. Polen. Check out her interview and enter into the giveaway that she was kind enough to do. Below is the blurb for the book with where you can purchase the book from amazon, also add it to your TBR shelves on Goodreads. Seventeen-year-old horror fan Cain Shannon thought helping a ghost find her killers would be the supernatural adventure of a lifetime. Now, he just h...
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