#PBwkendread Review: Saving Amy by Nicola Haken

 Title: Saving Amy
Author: Nicola Haken
Published: June 25, 2013
Pages: 352
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Review: Won paperback
Buy Links: Amazon, Amazon.uk, Barnes and Noble

Eighteen year old Amy’s surname may be Hope, but her life contains anything but. She drinks, she sleeps around, she cuts… anything to help her escape the agonizing existence growing up between her mother’s drunken wails and her father’s fists. But nothing works. There is no escape. And Amy wants out…

Enter Richard Lewis – the doctor responsible for saving Amy’s life after her drink and drug-fuelled suicide attempt. Thanks to his own hidden demons, Richard is drawn to Amy and her situation, and despite the incessant warnings from both his own mind and his jealous ex-lover Joanna, he feels compelled to help her.
But how will Amy feel when she discovers Richard’s attachment to her is born out of his own guilt? He was her last resort – her last chance at being saved. Can anybody save Amy, or has she finally reached the end of a very long, torturous road?

(Not recommended for younger readers due to language, scenes of self-harm and sexual content)

I won this book in a giveaway and I was really excited I did. I read the synopsis and it sounded like it would be something that would be very interesting. It seemed to start off good, had me wondering what is going to happen with Amy. 
Then in comes Doctor Richard and you can tell from the first time he meets her something is going to happen between them both but it is a matter of when. 
Amy ends up doing drugs, cutting and drinking which has her turning into a whole other person her only friend who is her best friend wonders about her. Amy's life at home is not easy her father is an abuser her mother is a drunk so life is very difficult. I kept rooting for Amy to overcome all of these factors in her life and be able to live a life full of happiness.
Amy and Doctor Richard end up seeing each other again in another sad scene involving Amy and he takes it on himself to "save" her. The reason why is because something very tragic happened to him in the past. He believes to save her it will save him in some way. 
Now the age difference between them was okay but the way he acted at times just really drove me crazy. Amy needed someone to talk with not a sexual relationship with someone. 
Richard came across as a gentleman at first then he seemed to turn into a controlling person, even Amy would call him bossy doctor when he started telling her what to do as far as taking care of herself. I liked how Amy wanted to be independent but it seemed every time she would try or wanted to here comes Mr. Controlling. 
Overall a good story I did like how out of it all Amy wanted better for herself. I would for sure read more by this author. 
I did enjoy the ending and found it to be a H.E.A. the only reason I gave this book a three is because of honestly how Richard was. I couldn't understand his behavior not only with Amy but with his relationship with his past ex-girlfriend. Also I felt we didn't get any answers to how Amy's father went from high to low in such a small amount of time. 

Nicola Haken
Author of the New Adult/Contemporary novels Missing Pieces, Saving Amy and the Take My Hand series, and m/m erotic romance Being Sawyer Knight.

I live in Rochdale, England with my wonderful family and when I'm not playing with my imaginary friends I can usually be found looking after my four adorable (sometimes!) children (six if you include the dogs, seven if you include the hubby!) or studying towards my English Literature degree.
All in all I'm just an ordinary mum with an addiction to reading about hot book guys, writing about hot book guys and Pepsi Max! Oh, and if my kids ever ask... I moonlight as the Pink Power Ranger ;-)
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