Pale and Crimson by Kayti Nika Rae

Title: Pale and Crimson
Author: Kayti Nika Raet
Published: June 30, 2015
Publisher: Self
Pages: 17
Genre: Horror, Dark Fantasy
Review: ebook
Slithers are vicious creatures. Craving flesh and blood, they will stop at nothing until their hunger is satisfied. So when sixteen year old Benjamin King discovers that one has been smuggled onto the train, he's eager to see it, even if it has been drugged into a mindless stupor.
But one moment can change everything.
Set six years before Niko, Pale and Crimson chronicles how one decision can have far reaching consequences.
For a short novella this book packed a punch and has me wanting to read the next book.
So we are introduced to two brothers who want to eventually help kill these creatures called Slithers. Well when they learn that one of them is on the train they are traveling on that is when curiosity killed the cat and all those around them.
Just pick this up so you can read it yourself and see if reading about Slithers sound good to you!

Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Kayti Nika Raet moved down South when she was 11, where she was bitten by the writing bug, as well as other, less friendly insects.
She is the author of the Outsider Chronicles, a five book series starting with NIKO and set in a world where the rain burns like acid and flesh eating monsters roam.
She's also a reviewer for Readers' Favorite and has her own Youtube Channel: Kayti Edition.
When she is not hard at work on her fourth book she has fun reading, listening to K-pop, and photography.
Kayti lives in Milledgeville, Georgia.
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