Review: Beckoning Darkness (The Damned and The Pure, #1) by J.D. Stonebridge

24524272Title: Beckoning Darkness (The Damned and The Pure #1)
Author: J.D. Stonebridge
Published: Nov. 27, 2014
Pages: 236
Genre: Paranormal
Review: ebook
Buy Links: Amazon, 

God left humanity in the care of the angels. Centuries have passed, and Heaven is preparing for His return.

After centuries of imprisonment in Heaven, Ariel is given a chance to redeem herself in the eyes of the archangels. Years after her last descent, Ariel must return to the mortal land to fulfill her mission for the coming of God. But the memories of her past sins catch up to her, and Ariel must decide where her faith truly lies.

The city of Chicago was the chosen residence of the eccentric demon, Caelum. His taste of entertainment sets him apart from the rest of his kind, driving him to walk amongst the mortal men. But when he is presented with an opportunity to have a hand in Hell’s grand plan, temptation beckoned him to take the risks. Walking through shadows and nightmares he crosses paths with an angel from Heaven, and the memories of his forgotten humanity begin to resurface.

Both Heaven and Hell have plans for the End of Days with the angel, Ariel, and the demon, Caelum, at the center. When faith is threatened, two natural enemies become unlikely allies in a war for all Humanity.

Do you like Angels and Demons? Do you like to read about Heaven and Hell and what they could have up their sleeve? Then this may be the book for you. We are introduced to Ariel who was an angel that had been locked up for reasons she can not remember. Though she has now been given an important job that she doesn't plan on failing. She wants the archangels to know she can do her job no matter how long she has been out of commission. 
Then enters in Caelum a demon who isn't like the other demons but yet a demon all the same. He has a memory problem like our angel Ariel, so when Hell ask him for his help in exchange for a journal that will help him possibly help him remember he jumps on it. Heaven and Hell are showing an interest in something going on that will involve both Caelum and Ariel but what could it be?  
We get to see some other supernatural creatures though they only play the fighting part of things. I am interested to see where it all goes with Heaven and Hell the plans they have. It seems that Ariel is playing a big part but I am not sure why yet. We have a bit of action, a bit of memory loss that is a mystery, and good characters. 
I am interested to see what Raphel the archangel has going on as he doesn't seem like he is good. Or at least that was my impression on him.
For me the book is not fast paced until we get to the church/fighting scene. Overall a good book. 

As a young child, I experienced something inexplicably other-worldly that I left me scared, excited and thrilled all at the same time. I believe this is where my fascination for all things supernatural, futuristic and out of the ordinary started.
Over the years, I developed a love for both science and magic. What seems magical now is just something science hasn't figured out yet.
My heroes were Houdini and H.G. Wells; Galileo and Da Vinci, Tesla and Verne. Arthur C Clark and Einstein and of course Stan Lee. I think they all believed that nothing is impossible.
I hope that you enjoy the dreams and imagination that fuel my stories.

J.D. when not constantly travelling lives in Los Angeles and hopes to one day to travel through time or to another world... whichever comes first.


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